Painless laser scaling for severe periodontitis (can be combined with stem cell growth factors)| 本町の矯正歯科|駅歩1分のDIGITAL-L 歯科・矯正歯科【公式】


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Painless laser scaling for severe periodontitis (can be combined with stem cell growth factors)


The latest non-surgical bone regeneration treatment for moderate to severe periodontitis (painless, no need for surgical scaling)

Treatment of periodontitis or peri-implantitis with stem cell growth factors and laser: Periodontitis has been bothering you for a long time? After deep cleaning and laser sterilization, we use fibroblast proliferation factor FDF produced in Japan to achieve reliable bone regeneration in a short time. Using the latest Nd.YAG laser, which is characterized by wider range and deeper sterilization than previous lasers, it can deeply remove infected tissue in periodontal pockets through non-surgical methods, avoiding incision and flap surgery, thus making treatment simple. Periodontitis.

In addition, we will also select suitable toothbrushes and mouthwash for you, and prepare a home periodontitis sterilizing braces set for you to minimize the bacteria in the oral cavity and achieve obvious periodontitis treatment effects.
